People still talk about the ‘Blue Planet effect’… that is the action people took, pretty much overnight, following the broadcast of David Attenborough’s Blue Planet series. The programme highlighted many threats to our oceans, perhaps most notably, the plastic pollution problem. If you didn’t...
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Many of us have been talking about the Netflix film Don’t Look Up. If you’ve not seen it – spoiler alert! Whilst the plot depicts the approach of a catastrophic, ‘extinction-level’ comet heading straight for earth, it’s also a pretty clear allegory for climate change.
The impending doom in the...
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Starting the new year sustainably.
As we clear the Christmas clutter and finish up the last of the mince pies, many of us think to the new year and what positive changes we are going to make to our lives. Traditionally this would have just involved a spring clean. More recently it has been al...
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It can be confusing, owning a pet in this climate-conscious age. Rescue or breeder? Raw food or tinned? Bag it and bin it or stick it n’ flick it? Should I even have bought a pet, with its surprising carbon load, in the first place? Let’s face it, it’s a bit of a mine field! We can’t get every...
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While world leaders meet at Cop26 to decide the big steps needed towards reducing climate change, a lot of us at home are thinking about the little things that we can all do. It can feel quite overwhelming seeing the climate crisis in the media everywhere we turn. For those of us that are alrea...
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Can we talk about it yet? Christmas?! 😊
There’s no escaping Christmas in the UK. From as early as September we are told that, in order to have even a smidgen of fun, we need to buy, buy, buy! This year, perhaps more than ever, there has been a huge media push to ‘get prepared’ and panic buy as m...
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Poo is stinky subject that a lot of us shy away from. But it’s essential to life! Here’s a few fascinating faecal facts to help you see the lighter side!
Size Matters
The prize for world’s largest poo should probably go to the blue whale. Consuming up to 3.6 tonnes of food each day must produ...
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You and your pooch might be besties… but did you know humans have had pet pals for more than 30,000 years? From cave paintings to ancient manuscripts, it’s clear that animals and humans have a long-established bond, a bond so strong it will even brave warzones.
Horses have been used in battle ...
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