''Spring is just around the corner – can you feel it?''
It’s so close, you can smell it in the air - green and fresh. There’s a chill in the wind still, yes, but the sunshine has a warmth within it when it shines on your face or on the back of your legs, like a promise of the warmer times to come...
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Christmas is a complicated beast. So much expectation and pressure - so much waste and guilt... What happened to the magic? This year in particular, we have financial burdens: Increasing costs of everything; worries about fuel and heat; the cost of petrol for visiting family and friends. The p...
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Who doesn’t love a roaring bonfire and spectacular fireworks? Well… as many fur-baby parents know…the answer often is ‘pets’. From cats who hide under the bed to dogs who can get so anxious they cause damage to themselves and your property… fireworks can be a major cause of stress for many anima...
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Autumn… season of mists and mellow fruitfulness… but it’s not all beer and skittles for everyone. It can be easy to see the onset of autumn and the approach of winter as things to ‘get through’ while looking forward to the longer days and warmer feels of spring and summer once again, but what i...
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Ice, ice (fur)baby!
It’s officially a heatwave! You might have already cracked open the bbq and stocked up on ice lollies this weekend… But the heat isn’t all beer and skittles for our furry side-kicks…
Unlike us sticky-all-over humans, dogs are only able to sweat through their paws and nose. Th...
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Plastic-free July is a global movement helping millions of people become part of a solution to plastic pollution. By sharing positive stories and tips and tricks, it helps empower people to refuse single use plastic. There’s a handy website and newsletter you can subscribe to which will send we...
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Will you be watching maypole dancers on the village green or revelling with the Green Man this May bank holiday? Maybe you’ll simply be taking the opportunity to light up the bbq with friends or family.
Whatever you’re up to, the reason you’ve got the day off has very ancient roots. The Roma...
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The world’s news can feel overwhelming… That’s why it’s good to take time out to focus on the brilliantly positive things that are happening all around us!
Floor tiles create green energy
An idea born in a Brixton flat is helping 200 projects in 37 countries harness the power of footfall. The...
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