This week many people’s thoughts are focused on memories of the Queen. Here at The Green Poop Bag HQ we are reflecting on her affinity with animals and her love of nature – not just her dear corgies, but also the wildlife and environment she held dear.
We can all relate to finding companionship and strength in our furry friends and it speaks volumes that someone carrying such responsibility on her shoulders spent time with animals. We all have memories of HRH Queen Elizabeth II that stick in our minds. For me it is the images of her with her horses, riding hatless or stroking a velvet nose in thanks; and those with her corgis, trotting happily in a pack beside her or giving her a licky-kiss in some earlier photos.
Queen Elizabeth II was a quietly frugal person. Her Majesty was known for choosing food with very low mileage, but did you know she also saved wrapping paper to re-use. I’ll definitely be mentioning this next time my kids groan at me for saying ‘careful – don’t rip it!’ She experienced rationing, and throughout her life, held onto the belief that wastage should be avoided. Apparently she was known to switch off lights at the palace to save electricity, and many of us are familiar with her preference to travel by electric car.
Speaking about the Cop 26 climate summit, the Queen was overheard via livestream expressing how ‘irritating’ it is when people ‘talk, but they don’t do.’* We really relate to that here. We believe that we can all do something to help the planet. We don’t have to shout about it. Much like Queen Elizabeth II, we can all adopt a frugal approach and adopt a less wasteful lifestyle, by habit.
A true nature lover, she led by example, from giving up fur, to planting trees to mark her jubilee. A remarkable lady with a remarkable life, always with a nod to the environment and a mindfulness of her impact on the earth around her. We will carry forward her environmental legacy and try, where we can, to be the ‘do-ers.’
Ma’am, we respectfully raise a paw.