environmentally friendly

  • Be more squirrel!

    I’ve a theory that foraging is good for the soul… We’ve all experienced the hunter-gatherer inside every one of us that pops out when picking blackberries, for example. Even when you’ve got more than enough for that crumble, it’s completely impossible to resist the glint-y wink of a particularly ... View Post
  • Poo bags in the hedge?

    We’ve all seen them…lurking…peeping out from the leaves, loitering on gateposts or clinging to barbed wire: the greater spotted, abandoned poo bag. This sinister species is becoming more common, seen everywhere from busy urban parks to absolute-middle-of-nowhere-ancient-rights-of-way.  The saying... View Post
  • Messing about in nature

    When out on a dog walk, one of my children asked me, why do dandelions stain your hands and why is their sap so sticky? Both spent the walk enjoying firing ‘nature’s bombs’ at each other – the seed heads of plantains, which they had tied up with their own stem to form a sort of catapult with whic... View Post
  • Earth Day 2024

    Earth day 2024    Earth Day is an annual event that takes place on 22nd April and was created to show support for the environment. This year, many events are being held across the globe, coordinated by non-profit,, who are placing a special focus on raising awareness about the impact... View Post
  • What if I don’t Compost them?

    Keeping our pets’ environmental pawprints to a minimum can be tricky, and with so many ‘eco’ products out there, how do we know which ones keep their promises?  A question we hear time and again is ‘does using The GREEN POOP BAG really make a difference if I’m not going to compost them at home?’ ... View Post
  • Spreading the green love with Chris Packham

    Can you ever have enough Green friends?   We’ve been very lucky to have crossed paths with many inspiring individuals trying to make a positive mark on the world, including environmentalist Chris Packham. Just as many individual drops make up a whole ocean, we believe the true power is in working... View Post
  • Spooky!

    There’s definitely a bite in the air and a tinge of orange in the trees.  Pumpkins are popping up everywhere and I’ve even dug out my winter boots and fluffy socks!  The flipflops have definitely been retired for now.  The cat is becoming magnetically drawn to any lap that stays still for a momen... View Post
  • A right royal knees-up!

      Whether it’s crumbs from the official ‘coronation quiche’ (yep – it’s a thing) or special edition, designated, doggy biscuits, the palace pooches will be receiving double treats this week, surely!  This weekend brings about an historic event, the likes of which have not been seen for over 70 ye... View Post