''Spring is just around the corner – can you feel it?''
It’s so close, you can smell it in the air - green and fresh. There’s a chill in the wind still, yes, but the sunshine has a warmth within it when it shines on your face or on the back of your legs, like a promise of the warmer times to come. Those weekly fixtures that see you arriving for something or leaving somewhere at 5.30pm have you cheering, and telling anyone close by: ‘look it’s still light! Amazing!’ Just think of all the evening walkies to look forward to!
All around, you can see Mother Nature waking from her winter slumber. I can see buds on the magnolias, almost ready to open. They have to be one of the most spectacular heralds of spring. The native blossoms, too, are readying themselves to brighten the hedgerows – blackthorn, or sloe, being one of the first to sprinkle its white decorations on the twiggy backdrop. Almond and cherry trees are getting ready to burst into pink and white before they get their leaves. Crab apple, plum and apple blossoms won’t be far behind. The first daffodils are spreading gold along the verges and the occasional royal purple of a crocus punctuates the grass.
It’s a great time to notice nature, and to make a promise to her to do more. I actually find spring a better time for resolutions than new year. It feels like a fresh start and I have a bit more energy to think about doing better as opposed to just surviving the dark days of winter. We all need to do our bit. I am going to be better at composting my food waste this year. It’s a great way to reduce waste input to municipal sites and also to enrich my own soil – which is a great investment.
As a Green Poop Bag family member, you could tell a friend about us, or even donate a bag to a stranger out on a walk. A lot of people don’t know that certified compostable means 100% plastic free.
WOOF! Help spread the bark and do Mother Nature a good turn :)