We are so lucky here in the UK to have many ground or near-ground nesting birds such as skylarks, curlews, meadow pipits, dunnocks, oyster catchers, willow warblers and night jars. Wander across open meadow at the moment and you’ll hear the twittering of the skylarks as they do their sweet little circular dance, up and down in the air. Look carefully and you might spot one, with their punk rocker hair-do, as they briefly alight on a hedge before ascending again, so high, they seem to disappear into the ether.
The months April to July are the breeding season for our ground nesting birds and during this time it can really help our birdie friends if we keep our pooches on leads when accessing open grassland and meadows. If you regularly walk in heathy and meadowy areas, you may have seen signage asking for dogs to be on short (no more than 2 metres) leads. This even forms part of the ‘right to roam’ law, so it’s really important that dog owners are aware.
Dogs having a lovely time, running free across open meadow can inadvertently lead to damaged nests and eggs, and, with more people owning dogs than ever in the UK right now, it’s especially important that we all do our bit to help nature - it’s another way to be eco-friendly.
And of course, don’t forget to pick up your dog’s brown treasures along the way too! Be extra kind to the planet and choose a plastic free poo bag, then you can be sure zero plastic waste was added to the environment in the walking of your doggo!
Photo by Bob Brewer